A Room by the Sea

“I’m so sorry; that was amazing… but painfully brief.”
she shifted from astride him to one side carefully and whispered in his ear giggling, “It’s OK, we have all night.”
And then, her voice deepened, imbued with a breathy, almost rumbling quality as she continued now in verse: 

“You and me in a room by the sea,
By the moon and stars the night is ours,
Too soon the day will dawn and the both of us will have to move on,
But until then, let me hold you close,
Let me kiss you and touch you, and make the most of every hour we have till then, knowing my body will crave yours till we meet again,
The burn of wanting painful and sweet
Until you lift me off of my feet and lay me down in sinful waves of bliss to drown
Both of us in passion’s thrall perhaps our young hearts will fall And though we may not stay together till the end
Our souls will kin till the dusk of eternity and the dawn again.” 

During this bit of poetry, recited in the hush and so close to his ear, she fell to nearly moaning several times and he could feel the muscles of her body tense. Her hand on his chest was no longer draped languidly but splayed stiffly as though she had difficultly controlling it; and her leg, draped over his now bent at the knee and her foot trailed lightly up the inside of his calf until the top of her smooth, firm thigh just brushed the base of his manhood sending an almost painful jolt of lust up through his loins nearly causing him to convulse with the sudden tightening of every major muscle in his body. And then she began to rock against him. Gently and slowly she rubbed that leg against him and the rest of her body with it; all the while, that voice was in his ear – inside his head. He became acutely aware of the heat of her against his hip, the softness of her breasts pressed against his arm. Her words were maddening; he wanted to hear more, but he wanted her to stop so that he could cover her mouth with his own and crush her to him to quell this raging desire! And then the words ended like a spell being cast; and though he felt that he must have missed something his mind was gone and there was only her body. He grabbed her knee and simultaneously turned his body to face her, and then, lifting himself and her slightly off of the bed he threw her over and down on her back. Then he buried himself in her with a groan that ripped from both of them. He retreated and heard her gasp, a sound that drew him back into her slowly. He nestled his head in the glorious mane of her hair, his lips brushing the soft skin of her petite ear, his hands wound into the bed clothes to either side. He felt her kiss his neck; it was hungry and nearly frantic, and then he felt her teeth and his mind exploded again. He raised himself up and looked at her face in time to see her eyes roll up and her head tilt back, her entire body bowing up to meet his, and love was savage once again, a growl sounding from her and answered by him, lust thundering on in a tangle of limbs and frenzied rhythm to it’s final explosive conclusion.

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