Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Chaos: The constant state of my workshop. Alt.: Manic Creativity.
I'm not a chaotic person, I'm just in a constant state of manic creativity!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Just a Bit

The only time I have ever done anything truly amazing, I have been alone. I believe the word of others too easily; too quickly. No one has ever believed in me. No one has ever honestly thought me capable of the things I can be. I believe in myself. I know that I can do many brilliant things, and when I am alone, I do. When I am alone there is no one there to tell me how impossible it is. When I am alone there is no one there to doubt me, no one to belittle me, no one to be the constant wet blanket to my enthusiasm. I can teach myself anything. I can learn to do anything. If I were alone long enough I might even teach myself magic; such is my belief in myself while others are not present. You see, all of this world's rules fade when I am alone; they fade because I believe in the world. I believe that the world can be anything it chooses to be. I do not hold the world back with rules and preconceptions; I let it be as it wishes to be. If there are no rules, then there are no limits, and possibility is beyond imagining. If I accept that the world is not what I have been told that it is, then it isn't; and the world plays with me in it's giddiness at being free. When I am alone, the world is never what it should be, or what it shouldn't; it is never what it was or what it will be, only what it is.